Bando Gal 2019
Measure: 7 "Basic services and renewal of villages in rural areas".
Type of intervention: 7.6.1 "Recovery and requalification of the architectural heritage of villages and rural landscape".
Description of the operation: The planned works primarily involve the conservation of the colombaia tower, where measures will be taken to consolidate damages, restore internal plasters, replace deteriorated floors with wooden floors, and construct internal stairs; the top covering will also be restored, replacing the existing one with a wooden covering of similar geometry. The existing staircase will be paved, and suitable metal railings and handrails will be installed to replace the existing ones.
Purpose: This intervention aims to enhance the cultural and natural heritage of rural areas.
Results achieved: Intervention in the implementation phase – to be completed by 14/08/2022.
Funded amount: € ... in the final phase
Initiative funded by: Rural Development Program for Veneto 2014-2020.
Information provided by: Az. Agricola Borghetti di Giacomo e Francesco società semplice agricola.
Managing Authority: Veneto Region - AdG FEASR Bonifica e Irrigazione Directorate.